My old friend

Today I got reacquainted with an old friend. Here we are in lockdown at the beginining of 2020 and I’ve started to get a little, well, twitchy. I’ve played ( or tried to play the guitar for many years. I’ve never quite managaed to align my talents with those of my teenage dreams, knocking the Iron Maiden guitarists of their pedistals.

About 13 years ago when life was a little more ‘sans children’ and minus the mortguage i had a little money to spare. The realisation that this money was about to dissapear in around nine months into a black hole of nappy’s and baby grows made me realise it was going to be my last chance, Last chance for what I wasn’t sure of but I knew I was being called to somthing. so armed with far too much money for a man on a mission and a healty knowlage of local giutar shops i headed out. This is what I came back with. I’ve never regretted spending the cash on the guitar and amp. It’s been just ‘ one of those things’ that I would have never justified in spending money on with a growing family. Brychan, my youngest who is now 7 has just started playing, maybe one day he’ll see the benefit of my desicion. :)


Covid 19 ( Coronavirus ) Policy


Lockdown 2020